The research network for the History of Emotions (HoE) is dedicated to the burgeoning field of the history of emotions. Despite a lengthy prehistory – featuring none less than Johan Huizinga, the ‘patron saint’ of this Institute – it is undeniable that it is only over the last decade that the history of emotions has developed into a fully-fledged subfield of history, both internationally and locally. This network aims to sustain this development by facilitating and fostering the exchange and cooperation between emotions historians of all career stages in the Low Countries.
Goals of our Research Network
– to strengthen the field of emotions history at universities and institutes in the Low Countries in the various disciplines related to cultural history
– to encourage a conversation between established and early career researchers about theories and methods of the history of emotions (including computational methods)
– to explore possible convergences with sensory historians within the newly developing field of the history of experience, and to foster interdisciplinary exchange within emotions studies
– to bring together the fragmented knowledge about the history of emotions in the Low Countries in order to enhance our joint contribution to international debates
In order to do so, we will organise lectures, masterclasses and workshops and circulate information about upcoming (inter)national symposia and conferences organised elsewhere. Please find links to our own and other upcoming activities below.
- 10 December 2024: Reading Session RNW History of Emotions
- 24-28 March 2025: Medieval and Early Modern Studies Spring School 2025 ‘History of Emotions’ – Groningen
Previous activities
- 12 April 2024: Masterclass Rob Boddice: The History of Experience
- 6 February 2024: first meeting of the History of Emotions Reading Group, 14:30-16:30, Radboud University. To participate, contact Iris van der Zande.
- Online Meet & Greet, 5 October 2023
- 7 oktober 2022: Dag van de Emotiegeschiedenis / The history of the emotions in the Low Countries, a state of the art meeting (kick-off meeting @ Radboud University)
Overview emotions History research projects in the Low Countries (will be added soon)
Zotero bibliography for the history of emotions (will be added soon)
Contact persons
Anneleen Arnout (Radboud University)
Kornee van der Haven (Universiteit Gent)
Erika Kuijpers (Vrije Universiteit / ACCESS)
Iris van der Zande (Open Universiteit)
In cooperation with ACCESS