The History Health & Healing (HHH) research network is an interdisciplinary collaboration of Dutch scholars working in the domains of medical history and medical humanities. The field in which we move is broadly defined, with members doing research on the social and cultural dimensions of health, illness, and healing, or on the scientific and political dimensions of medicine and health care.
The goals of the network are:
- offer a platform to scholars working in the fields of medical history or medical humanities
- promote the exchange of ideas between members
- formulate a common research agenda
- increase visibility of the discipline, both in teaching and research
- support graduate teaching in medical history and medical humanities
- reflect on the value of medical history and medical humanities for society
- promote contact between medical historians and partners in society.
Members of the network convene three times a year. While the spring meeting is devoted to a topic derived from the field of medical history, the fall meeting will be more interdisciplinary, inviting scholars from medical philosophy and anthropology to participate. The third meeting is a practical, hands-on meeting devoted to archival materials or methodology.
The network is hosted by the Huizinga Institute, the Dutch Research School for Cultural History, and supported by the Stichting Historia Medicinae and the Descartes Center for the History and Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities of Utrecht University. Membership is free and open to all Dutch and Belgian researchers and teachers working in the fields of medical history or the medical humanities, and affiliated to a medical or humanities faculty.
The network is coordinated by:
- Dr. Timo Bolt, Erasmus MC
- Eileen van der Burgh MA, Leiden University
- Prof. dr. Rina Knoeff, University of Groningen
- Prof. dr. Manon Parry, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
- Dr. Paul van Trigt (Leiden University)
More information about HHH and how to join on www.historyhealthhealing.nl