11 September 2018
Datum: 13 t/m 27 mei 2019 Locatie: Koninklijk Nederlands Instituut te Rome Voor: Promovendi en ReMa-studenten die lid zijn van het Huizinga Instituut (Italiaanse taalkennis niet nodig) Studielast: 6 ECTS Taal: Nederlands Onderwijsvorm en toetsing: Voorbereidende...
11 September 2018
Dates and Times: 5 June (introductory meeting, 14-17h), 3, 4, 5 July (9-18h) 2019 Venue: Utrecht University Open to: RMa-students and PhD researchers from the Huizinga Institute and other national research schools Credits: 5 ECTS Coordination: Prof Annelien de Dijn...
11 September 2018
Imagining the Self and the Other Dates and time: 4, 11, 18, 25 April & 2, 9, 16 May, 9:00-12:00 Venue: PC Hoofthuis (Room 3.01), University of Amsterdam (Spuistraat 134) Open to: RMa Students, who are a member of a Dutch Graduate Research School...
6 September 2018
Date: October 16 & 17, 2018 Venue: Hoorneboeg, Hilversum (a shuttle bus from and to Hilversum station will be available around 9:30 (16 Ocotber) and 17:00 (17 October)) Open to: PhD candidates, exclusive for Huizinga members ECTS: 3 (with presentation), 1...
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