11 September 2018
The Academy and the Idea of Decolonisation Date: 10 December 2018 Time: 10:00-12:30 (masterclass) & 14:00-17:00 (keynote lecture and discussion) Venue: Amsterdam, Bushuis (VOC-zaal) & University Library (Doelenzaal) Open to: scholars, PhD students, (R)MA...
11 September 2018
Dates: 28 and 29 January, 20 February, 6 and 20 March, 3 and 17 April, 29 May from 10:00h to 16:30h Venues: 28 and 29 January: Utrecht | other dates: Amsterdam Open to: PhD Candidates who are affiliated with the Huizinga Institute ECTS: 6 Coordinators: TBA NB:...
11 September 2018
Dates and time: 3, 10, 17 & 24 May (15-18h), 29 May (12-20h – notice: change in start and end time) 2019 Venue: University of Amsterdam, Bushuis, Kloveniersburgwal 48, Room D2.04 Open to: RMa Students, who are a member of a Dutch Graduate Research School...
11 September 2018
Anxiety with Sources Date: 15 May 2019 Time: 13.30 – 17.00h Location: Utrecht University, Kromme Nieuwegracht 80, Van Ravensteynzaal Participants: PhD students (2nd year and on) who are affiliated with the Huizinga Instituut Registration Lecturer: Prof. Joep...
11 September 2018
Datum: 14 maart 2019 Tijd: 10:00-16:00 Locatie: Universiteitsbibliotheek Amsterdam (Vondelzaal), Singel 425 Bestemd voor: Promovendi en Research Master studenten Credits: 1 ECTS Coördinatie: Prof. Ieme van der Poel in samenwerking met het Huizinga Instituut Aanmelden:...
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