Presentation 42nd Yearbook of Women’s History: ‘Gender and Animals in History’
On 2 April 2024, in the presence of guest editor Sandra Swart (Stellenbosch University), the editors of the Yearbook of Women’s History will present their 42nd Yearbook called Gender and Animals in History.
The category of species has remained largely understudied in mainstream gender scholarship. This edition of the Yearbook of Women’s History attempts to show how gender history can be enriched through the study of animals. It highlights that the inclusion of nonhuman animals in historical work has the potential to revolutionize the ways we think about gender history. This volume is expansive in more than one way. First, it is global and transhistorical in its outlook, bringing together perspectives from the Global North and the Global South, and moving from the Middle Ages to the contemporary world. Even more importantly for its purposes, a range of animals appear in the contributions: from the smallest insects to great apes, and from ‘cute’ kittens to riot dogs and lions, the articles collected here reflect the variety of the animal kingdom and of the creative approaches enabled by animal history.
Programme & practicalities
Presentation Yearbook of Women’s History 2024: Gender and Animals in History
Guest Editor: Sandra Swart
Tuesday, April 2nd 2024, 15.00 – 17.30
Location: Huizinga Instituut, Utrecht (Janskerkhof 2-3, room 0.13)
Sign-up: [email protected]
15.00 Welcome
15.15 Opening by Ernestine Hoege, editorial board yearbook of women’s history
15.20 Kirsten Kamphuis (Universität Münster) on behalf of the editorial board of the Yearbook of Women’s History
15.30 Janine Janssen (Open Universiteit/Avans Hogeschool), professor in the anthropology of law
15.50 Andrea Petitt (Uppsala University), one of the authors
16.00 Sandra Swart (Stellenbosch university), guest editor
16.25 Presentation of the first copy and wrapping up on ‘Gender and Animals in History’
16.30 Drinks reception
17.30 End
The launch will be organized in collaboration with the Huizinga Institute.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Best wishes, also on behalf of Sandra Swart,
The editors of the Yearbook of Women’s History,
Kirsten Kamphuis, Iris van der Zande, Larissa Schulte Nordholt, Marleen Reichgelt, Ernestine Hoegen, Claudia Hacke, and Sarah Carmichael.