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Nikki Sikkema MA

Rotterdam Maritime families and their heritage: 1960-2000 Overarching title: Mens in de Haven Erasmus University Rotterdam Supervisor(s): Paul van de Laar, Els Jacobs en Tina van der Vlies. Dock work is characterized by its hardship and potential for risks and danger....

Rayke van Lent MA

Rotterdam maritime families and their heritage: 1960-2000 Overarching project: Mens in de Haven Erasmus University Rotterdam Supervisor(s): Paul van de Laar, Els Jacobs, Tina van der Vlies Duration: September 2024 – September 2028 The perilous nature of dock work...

Aron Ouwerkerk MA

To Be, to Become, or to Be Made Exceptional: Mapping the Literary System of Early Modern Women Latinists of the Low Countries and France (c.1600-1900) Utrecht University Supervisors: Prof. dr. E. Stronks, Dr. N. Geerdink, Dr. A. Andeweg Start project: 1 September 2024...

Pratika Dewi MA

Indonesian Women in the Global Peace Movements, 1930s-1966 Leiden University Overarching project: Peace Movements and Decolonization Supervisors: Dr Carolien Stolte, Prof Marieke Bloembergen Start date: December 2024 For my PhD project, I will focus on how Indonesian...

Kamila Smagulova MA

 Nevada-Semey anti-nuclear movement: placing the Soviet Union into the framework of global colonialism  Overarching project: Peace movements and decolonization Leiden University supervisor(s): Carolien Stolte, Isaac Scarborough Project start date and expected end...