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Anjar Astuti MA

Representation of Dutch Colonial Wars Before the 20th Century in Indonesian High School History Textbooks University of Groningen Supervisors: Prof. Clemens Six, M.M.S. Madbouly, PhD, Dr. S.B. Barnabas Duration of appointment: 1 August 2024 – 1 August 2028 History...

Sanne de Niet MA

Using the past to legitimize the present: the use of Jewish religious currents from the Second Temple Period in the discourse of nineteenth-century German Jews University of Amsterdam Supervisors: Prof. dr. B.T. Wallet, Prof. dr. I.E. Zwiep Start project: 2024 This...

Louise Ruby MA

Reshaping the Debate on Slavery in Revolutionary Europe: Editorial Strategies and Reader Sensibilities (1787–1830) Radboud University Overarching project: Civic fictions. Modelling book-reader interactions in the Age of Revolution, c. 1760-1830. Supervisors: Alicia...