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Puck de Boer MA

Trials of Honour. Violence, masculinity and emotions in the modern Italian military (1861-1919) University of Groningen Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Clemens Six and Dr. Francesco Buscemi Start project: 1 September 2024 My PhD project aims to shed new light on the historical...

Leo Palumbo MA

Conceptual evolution of community engagement: impact on WHO policies and emergency practices University of Groningen Supervisors: Prof. dr. Inanna Hamati-Ataya, Dr Nadine Voelkner Duration of appointment: 01-09-2024 / 31-08-2030 Central Research Question: Examines how...

Yixue Ma MA

Curate to Care: Visual Arts in Hospitals University of Groningen Promoter: Cor Wagenaar (RuG); second supervisor: Barend van Heusden (RuG) Duration: 1 January 2024—31 January 2027 My research focuses on visual art collections and their curation in hospitals, a...

Alexander Verdonck MA

Censorship and Freedom of Press in the Netherlands During the First World War Erasmus University Rotterdam) Supervisor(s): Prof. Ralf Futselaar, Dr Pieter van den Heede. Duration of appointment: 01-06-2024/01-06-2028 (4 years). During the First World War, the...

Marjolein Uittenbogaard MA

Stories Across Borders: Diasporic and Digital Storytelling Between National and Transnational Memories University of Amsterdam/Tallinn University Supervisor(s): Prof. Marek Tamm, Prof. Ihab Saloul Start project: 1-9-2024 Overarching project: “DIGHT-Net: Sustainable,...