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Thom Tolboom MA

Literary mockery in the Dutch Republic: Aesthetics and political meaning of early modern Dutch humour texts Radboud University Supervisors: Prof. dr. Lotte Jensen, Dr. Ivo Niewenhuis, Dr. Cécile de Morrée. My research investigates the relationship between the...

Charlotte Meijer MA

Bugging Bugs: human-insect relations in the Netherlands, 1650-1900 Radboud University, Faculteit der Letteren, Departement Geschiedenis, Kunstgeschiedenis en Oudheid, Onderzoeksgroep Politieke Geschiedenis Supervisors: Prof. dr. Wim van Meurs, dr. Eleá de la Porte...

Ida Vos MA

Race and gender in colonial newspapers in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries Overarching project: Popular Culture in Historical Perspective Erasmus University Rotterdam Supervisors: Natália da Silva Perez, Gijsbert Oonk, Isabel Awad Cherit I am studying...

Lesley Verbeek MA

Audiovisual representations of intellectual disability: stories of (de)stigmatization, (anti-)eugenics, and onto-epistemic (in)justice Open University Supervisors: Alexander Peine, Bregt Lameris My research is about ways in which the representation of intellectual...