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Marina Cheffe MA

Heritage-doing and storytelling around difficult colonial pasts in Brazil: The musealization of slavery heritage in Brazilian historical-cultural museums Erasmus University Rotterdam Supervisor(s): Stijn Rijnders, Naomi Oosterman, Amanda Alencar Duration: December...

Lara Offermans MA

Het Menniste Haarlem Huygens instituut – KNAW / Leiden University Supervisors: Prof. Dr. H.G.M. Jorink, Prof. dr. Y.L. Bleyerveld, Prof. dr. F.H. van Lunteren Duration of appointment: 2024-2028 In de ontwikkeling en bloei die Haarlem gedurende de zeventiende en deel...

Dithi Mukherjee MA

Natural Disasters and the Evolution of Environmental Perceptions in Bengal (India), c. 1818-1978 University of Groningen Supervisors: Prof. Clemens Six, Dr. Anjana Singh Duration of appointment: 1-12-2023 to 30-11-2027 The objective of this project is to analyze the...

Nina Viršíková MA

“Soft” Antisemitism? Cartoons and the Decline of Democracy in Interwar Czechoslovakia University of Amsterdam Supervisors: dr. Ewa Stańczyk, dr. Alex Drace-Francis Aanstelling: October 2023-januari 2028 This research project aims to map out the presence of antisemitic...