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Elisa Hendriks MA

Women making waves: How women created feminist radio broadcastings in the Netherlands in the 1980s Radboud Universities supervisor(s): Prof. dr. Jan Hein Furnée, dr. Marloes Hülsken, dr. Remco Ensel Start date: April 2024 In the Netherlands in the 1980s, women sought...

Eline van Erdewijk MA

European Racial Antisemitism in settler-colonial Algeria from the Crémieux Decree (1870) until World War I (1918): A comparative analysis among European populations University of Groningen Supervisor(s): Prof. Karène Sanchez Summerer and Dr. Sasha Goldstein-Sabbah...

Angel Perazzetta MA

Waste Not, Want Not: How Victorian techno-scientific discourses of waste entered the home Radboud University Supervisors: Dr. Anneleen Arnout, Dr. Chris Louttit, and Prof. Jan Hein Furnée Start project: 1 March 2024 Dirt and waste haunted Victorian imagination and...

Nuria Peregrin Fernandez MA

Art biennials and societal transformation: a postcolonial study of Venice, Havana and Sharjah Biennials since 1968 [Working title] Erasmus University Overarching project: Transforming Societies Supervisors: Prof.dr. Ben Wubs, Dr. Sarah Bertrand, Dr. Mariangela Lavanga...

Willemijn Tuinstra MA

Converts and their sponsors. Converting to Catholicism in protestant environments in the 17th century Dutch Republic and Holy Roman Empire. Leiden University Supervisors: Prof. Judith Pollmann, Dr. Felicia Roşu Start project: 1-6-2023 This PhD-project investigates the...