24 November 2022
Navigating through Narratives: Cartographic Storytelling in the Early Modern Low Countries (ca. 1550-1750) University of Amsterdam Supervisor(s): Prof. Bram Vannieuwenhuyze, Dr Elmer Kolfin Starting year: 2022 In the early modern Low Countries, political and...
24 November 2022
The forgotten legacy of composers in the Netherlands persecuted by the Nazis University of Amsterdam Supervisor(s): Prof. Dr. Julia Kursell, Prof. Dr. Rob van der Laarse and Dr. Philomeen Lelieveldt Aanstelling: vanaf sept. 2020 World War II has caused a disruption in...
15 November 2022
Using Language for Religion and Identity: The use and position of Dutch in Ostfriesland in the longue durée (16th-19th Century) Overarching project: Grenzgänger – Sprache, Wirtschaft und Kultur im Grenzraum von Ostfriesland und dem Groninger Land seit der Frühen...
15 November 2022
1914-15: International Year of Peace University of Amsterdam Supervisor(s): Prof. Dr. Ruud Janssens and Dr. Samuël Kruizinga Cohort/start year: 2022 My project deals with the peace movement in the US on the eve of the First World War, and specifically efforts to bring...
15 November 2022
“Ik heb geplant, Apollos heeft water gegeven, maar God heeft doen groeien”: een studie naar de interieurkunst van Friedrich Wilhelm Mengelberg in vier Willibrorduskerken in Nederland in de periode 1869-1913 “I planted, Apollos watered but God made grow”: a study of...
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