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Luca Forgiarini MSc

The Promise of Science: Building international scientific cooperation in post-WWII Europe, 1945 – 1975 Utrecht University, Faculty of Science, Freudenthal Institute Promotor(es): Guido Bacciagaluppi (promotor), David Baneke (daily supervisor) Start project: September...

Frederique Visser MA

Rhythms and Rupture: Everyday Life in Three Towns in Habsburg Central Europe, 1890-1930   Leiden University Promotor(es): Prof. dr. Jeroen Duindam & dr. Eric Storm Aanstelling: September 2020   The end of the First World War signalled the fall of the...

Sanne Hermans MA

Future Thinking and Actions in the Early Modern Low Countries, 1572-1674 University of Antwerp Supervisor(s): dr. Jeroen Puttevils Project start date: November 2020 (4 years) In her study, Sanne compares two separate moments of crisis in the history of the early...

Mariëlla Beukers MA

Wijngaarden in middeleeuws en vroegmodern Nederland, 1000-1800 Utrecht University Supervisor(s): Prof. Oscar Gelderblom, Dr Jessica Dijkman Aanstelling: vanaf 2021 In mijn onderzoek staat de vraag centraal wat de reden was voor de aanleg van wijngaarden in een gebied...