30 November 2021
The Provenance History of Fetuses of Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century Amsterdam (1860-1930) (preliminary title) Utrecht University/AMC Supervisor(s): Prof. dr. Bert Theunissen, dr. Hieke Huistra and dr. Laurens de Rooy As a Phd candidate I will take part in...
29 November 2021
Testimonies from the Forgotten East: An Interdisciplinary Analysis of Holocaust Victim Experience through the Literary Testimonies of the Aktion Reinhard Extermination Camps University of Groningen Promotor(es): Prof. dr. D.J. Wolffram, dr. L.K. Vermeer Start from:...
11 November 2021
Psychedelic Capital Open University Promotor(es): Prof. Gemma Blok & dr Susan Hogervorst Start from: September 2021 The PhD research conducted under this title analyses psychedelic drug use within subcultures within the city of Utrecht in the period between 1968...
11 November 2021
Homo Imperfectus: Animals, Machines, and the Quest for Humanity in Late Mediaeval France University of Groningen Promotor(es): Prof. Kocku von Stuckrad (RUG) & Dr Mathilde van Dijk (RUG) Aanstelling: vanaf oktober 2021 How were nonhuman animals...
25 October 2021
Imagining the Satellite Future: Satellite Infrastructure Representations in the Anthropocene, 1972-1999 Utrecht University Promotor(es): Prof. dr Toine Pieters and dr David Baneke Start project: October 2021 The SATFUTURE project will initiate historical research into...
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