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Sherilyn Bouyer MA

Trial and Error: Transitional Justice in the Bipartisan Courts University of Groningen Overarching project: Building Peace: Transitional Justice in Early Modern France Supervisor(s): Prof. dr. R. M. Esser, Dr. D.C. van der Linden Start date: 1 March 2022 The Edict of...

Dr Daniella Zaidman-Mauer

Responses to the Plague in Early Modern Ashkenaz: Pandemics and Piety in Yiddish Remedy Books in the 17-18th century University of Amsterdam Supervisor(s): Prof. Irene Zwiep and Prof. Bart Wallet Aanstelling: vanaf januari 2020 The aim of my thesis is to bring to...

Marie Léger-St-Jean MA

Bringing Service Design to the Women Writers in History (WWIH) Database Project Radboud University Promotor(es): Prof. Alicia Montoya (promotor), Dr Chris Louttit (co-promotor) Start project: February 2022 With a long-standing interest in digital humanities project...

Ellen Pater MA

Preliminary title: Exchanging the Unknown: Visualizing and Communicating Microscopic Research in the Seventeenth-Century Dutch Republic, England and Italy Leiden University/Huygens KNAW Supervisor(s): Prof. dr. Eric Jorink, Dr. Sietske Fransen Overarching project: NWO...

Joris Van Doorsselaere MA

Inherited from the past, shaped by the present? Investigating the didactic potential of heritage in history education in Flanders (2020-2026) Ghent University Supervisor(s): Prof. dr. Bruno De Wever This doctoral research studies the relationship between heritage and...