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Heide Warncke MA

The Amsterdam Hebrew Printing Industry 1627-1815: The impact of intellectual, economic and religious developments on Hebrew Printing University of Amsterdam Supervisor(s): Prof. Emile Schrijver/ Prof. Paul Hoftijzer (Universiteit Leiden) The dissertation will give an...

Kerrewin van Blanken MA

Diplomats in Print. Public diplomacy and Franco-Dutch relations 1609-1713 UvA/KNAW Humanities Cluster, NL-Lab Overarching project: The Invention of Public Diplomacy Supervisor(s): Helmer Helmers (KNAW/HuC), Geert Janssen (UvA) In my project I study the developing...

Marieke Dwarswaard MA

A family biography of the Scholten family, a Groningen-based entrepreneur family (1840-1970) University of Groningen Promotor(es): Prof. Dr. Mineke Bosch, Dr. Leonieke Vermeer Aanstelling: vanaf 1 oktober 2020 I will be writing a family biography of the Scholten...

Anne van Mourik MA

Conflicting legacies of Hunger in Germany NIOD institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies/ University of Amsterdam Overarching project: Heritages of Hunger: Societal Reflections on Past European Famines in Education, Commemoration and Musealisation...

Maroesjka Verhagen MA

Feeding the city: A bird’s-eye view of Amsterdam’s food supply from its hinterlands, c.1550-1800   University of Amsterdam Promotor(es): dr. Danielle van den Heuvel, dr. Djoeke van Netten Aanstelling: vanaf 1 September 2020   In my research, I set out to...