6 July 2022
“Nuns in the convent of Loosduinen in the sixteenth century and their ‘sisters’ in the world. A comparison about agency, religion and economic status of two groups of women in Holland” Supervised by Prof. Manon van der Heiden
6 July 2022
“Built Heritage in Transition: Global and Local Challenges” Supervised by Prof. Ernst Homburg and Dr Joseph Wachelder
6 July 2022
“Alchemy and German Pietism in the Early Eighteenth Century” Supervised by Prof. Wouter Hanegraaff
6 July 2022
“Cultural memory and political legitimacy in Russia: The mobilization of political myths in the discourse on state and society in mass media, 2000-2012” Supervised by Prof. Joost van Baak and Prof. Sandra Brouwer
6 July 2022
“Enlightenment and history. Changing views of the past in the Dutch Republic, 1715-1795” Supervised by Prof. Wyger Velema
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