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Karin de Leeuw-van Lierop

“Nuns in the convent of Loosduinen in the sixteenth century and their ‘sisters’ in the world. A comparison about agency, religion and economic status of two groups of women in Holland” Supervised by Prof. Manon van der Heiden

Dr Bart Zwegers

“Built Heritage in Transition: Global and Local Challenges” Supervised by Prof. Ernst Homburg and Dr Joseph Wachelder

Dr Mike Zuber

“Alchemy and German Pietism in the Early Eighteenth Century” Supervised by Prof. Wouter Hanegraaff

Dr Mariëlle Wijermars

“Cultural memory and political legitimacy in Russia: The mobilization of political myths in the discourse on state and society in mass media, 2000-2012” Supervised by Prof. Joost van Baak and Prof. Sandra Brouwer

Dr Eléa de la Porte

“Enlightenment and history. Changing views of the past in the Dutch Republic, 1715-1795” Supervised by Prof. Wyger Velema