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Dr Maarten Jansen

“Neo-Latin Commentaries on Latin Poets: Roman poetry as Literary Model and Archive of Knowledge” Supervised by Prof. Karl Enenkel

Dr Dorus Hoebink

“Community museums and virtual communities” Supervised by Prof. Marlite Halbertsma

Dr Joris Gijsenbergh

“Repertoires of democracy in Belgium and the Netherlands, 1920s-1950s” Supervised by Prof. Remieg Aerts and Prof. Marit Monteiro

Dr Marianne Eekhout

“Commemoration and Community. Local memories of the Dutch Revolt, 1566- 1700” Supervised by Prof. Judith Pollmann

Dr Sadiah Boonstra

“Performing Identity, Shaping Heritage: Wayang puppet theatre and the dynamics of heritage formation in contemporary Indonesia” Supervised by Prof. Susan Legêne and Prof. Henk Schulte Nordholt