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Dr Sara Serrano Martínez

PhD candidate

E-mail: [email protected]

Area(s) of interest: Material Culture, Modern & Contemporary History

Cohort/Start PhD: 2018-2019

Forensic practices in Spain, 1930-2000

Utrecht University
Project: FORCE – Forensic Culture in Europe, 1930-2000
Promotor(es): Dr Willemijn Ruberg
Aanstelling: vanaf september 2018

This PhD project will analyse forensic practices in court cases of rape, homicide and infanticide in Spain, and their representations and lay receptions, during the period 1930-2000. It combines a social and cultural approach with a history from below approach, centred in material practices. In this sense, firstly, it seeks to analyse the role of forensic sciences and forensic expertise through the analysis of the practical day-to-day practices of scientists in court cases. Secondly, it also seeks to analyse forensic culture, and it will consider the media representations and lay discourses about the studied court cases.