Marieke Gelderblom MSc
PhD candidate
E-mail: [email protected]
Area(s) of interest: Dutch History, History & Philosophy of Science and Technology, Visual Culture, History of Mathematics
Cohort/Start PhD: 2022-2023
Grasping graphics – the introduction, development, and use of statistical graphics in the Netherlands in 1850-1914
Utrecht University, Freudenthal Institute
Supervisor(s): Prof. dr. Paul Drijvers, dr. David Baneke, prof. dr. Toine Pieters
Start PhD: 2022
Statistical graphics are visual representations that enable graphical comparison of the relations between data. Historical research on statistical graphics often points to a so-called ‘golden age of statistical graphics’ (~1850–1900). This research will investigate how graphs developed in this period in the Netherlands. It will analyse statistical visualizations in various contexts (scientific, educational, public) to attempt to understand how the related (proto-)statical literacy developed and became public knowledge in Dutch society.