Lillyana Mulya MA
PhD candidate
E-mail: [email protected]
Area(s) of interest: Asian History, Colonialism & Postcolonialism, European History, Global History
Cohort/Start PhD: 2022-2023
Dutch East Indies Information Network in the Period of Transition 1799-1830
University of Amsterdam
Supervisor(s): Prof. dr. K.J.P.F.M. Charles Jeurgens , Dr. A.F. Schrikker
PhD starts Sept. 2020
This research focuses on information collecting, processing and archive producing in the Dutch East Indies during the transition period (1799-1830). This research will use historical methods, then deepens with archival studies to inquire into communication systems from both the European and local rulers’ perspectives. The aims of this research are first to explain how the regime changes in the transition period affected the information management of the government, and to disclose how did European rulers in Java interact with local people to set up a reliable information relationship. Regarding reliable information, rumors as a type of information will be used as an instrument to measure how the concept of reliable was understood at that time.