Céline Zaepffel MA
PhD candidate
E-mail: [email protected]
Area(s) of interest: Cultural Studies, History of Books, Languages & Literature
Cohort/Start PhD: 2017-2018
The Illustrated Fable in Education in France (1500-2010) Project: Aesopian Fables 1500-2010: Word, Image, Education
Leiden University
Promotor(es): Prof. dr. Paul J. Smith
Aanstelling: vanaf september 2017
This PhD research is part of the Aesopian Fables 1500-2010: Word, Image, Education-project. With an interdisciplinary approach, this research analyzes the relationship between texts and images in different fable books from 1500 to 2010, but also its paratexts in order to understand the project and choices of fable books’ authors, illustrators and editors and their place into French pedagogy. Furthermore, it asks questions about the evolution of such an old source as illustrated fables in pedagogy, used in moral classes, but also to improve memory or even to make French pupils aware of this huge part of their culture.