Masterclasses and Workshops
Each year, the curriculum of the Huizinga Institute is enriched with masterclasses, workshops, and other smaller educational activities (max. 3 ECTS per event). The Huizinga Institute relies on the input of its members – senior members, RMA students and PhD candidates – for designing and organising these events. We always welcome proposals and have funding available for selected plans. Proposed activities may take on different forms, such as a research seminar with (international) experts or a more practice-oriented workshop in the (work)field, and may be aimed at any subdiscipline in the broad cultural historical field.
How to organise a Huizinga educational event
Is there a theme that deserves more attention, a skill you want to develop, or a senior researcher that you have always wanted to invite? Do you miss anything in the Huizinga curriculum? Do not hesitate and make use of the opportunities we offer, whether you are first-year RMA student or a PhD candidate in your final year. We offer practical assistance, funding, EC credits, and a national platform in cultural history.
If you have something in mind, please contact Huizinga coordinator Annelien Krul ([email protected]). She is happy to discuss options and answer questions. You may also send in the completed application form directly.
Proposals will be reviewed by the Huizinga Institute’s Programme Team. Once a proposal has been approved, the organisers can begin with planning the event. We will assist you with practical matters.
- Workshop by Professor Ann Rigney (Utrecht University): Doing History Reflexively (February 2020)
- Masterclass by Professor Benjamin Schmidt (University of Washington): ‘Violent Images, Violence against Images: The Visual Culture of Violence in the Early Modern Period’ (March 2019)
- Masterclass by Professor Toyin Falola (University of Texas): ‘The Academy and the Idea of Decolonisation’ (December 2018)
- Workshop by Professor Clive Webb (University of Sussex): ‘Voices Unheard. Intersections of Race in Transnational and Postcolonial Research’ (November 2018)
All above-mentioned activities were (co-)organised by PhD candidates. Are you interested in talking to one of them about this experience? Huizinga-members Marleen Reichgelt (Masterclass Falola) and Jon Verriet (Workshop Rigney) are happy to answer your questions!