Date: 13 December 2018
Venue: Museum Plantin Moretus (Antwerp), Vrijdagmarkt 22, 2000
Open to: PhD students, (R)MA students
Credits: 1 ECTS
Coordination: Prof. Sabrina Corbellini (RUG) & Prof. Wim François (KUL)
Registration (before 1 December 2018): email to [email protected]
The masterclass New Trends in the History of Reading aims at presenting and discussing with ReMa and PhD students the newest development in the study and reconstruction of reading activities in premodern Europe. After a presentation of new theoretical and methodological approaches, the lecturers will engage the participants into a discussion about the approaches selected within the framework of FWO-NWO research project “In Readers’ Hands. Early Modern Dutch Bibles from a Users’ Perspective” (2017-2021), making use of late medieval and early modern printed books from the Plantin Moretus collection.
Further Information: [email protected]