Invitation: RMA/PHD Writing Groups in Groningen, Utrecht and Leiden

Dear members of the Huizinga Institute,

The PhD/ReMa council will be hosting writing sessions in November, in three different locations: in Leiden, Groningen and Utrecht. We hope to organize more sessions in the future at other universities! For now, if you would like to join other Huizinga members for a morning or an afternoon of writing, here are the dates and locations:

  • Groningen University: Wednesday 27th November, 14:00-17:00: room 1313. 0309 (Harmonie Building)
  • Utrecht University: Friday 29th November, 9:30-12:00, Drift 21, room 1.08
  • Leiden University: Wednesday 4th December, 9:30-13:00: Arsenaal A1.04

Please let us know if you would like to join by sending a message to

Best regards,

The PhD/ReMa-council