On 7 October 2022, the Huizinga Institute Research Network History of Emotions, presents a state of the art meeting. With this meeting, we want to bring together historians interested in emotions to:
(1) reflect on the development of the history of emotions in the Low Countries: What questions have historians of the emotions been exploring? What theories and methods have been developed and applied? What sources have been used? What knowledge have we acquired about the history of emotions and about emotions in history?
(2) formulate perspectives for the future: what urgent questions should we be asking next? What new theoretical reflections might we benefit from? Which promising methods do we want to develop? What sources might provide new insights? What possible convergences might we
explore with sensory historians within the newly developing field of the history of experience? Where could and should we seek more and new interdisciplinary forms of collaboration? How useful is national and/or language-based collaboration in the context of an international – increasingly global – field of research?
The meeting will be made up of three plenary lectures about three recent history of emotions projects by established scholars, a poster session, which aims to provide an overview of ongoing history of emotions research in the Low Countries, a round table in which we discuss perspectives for the future and concluding remarks, offered by Professor Barbara Rosenwein (Loyola University Chicago), a most influential and internationally renowned expert in the field of the history of emotions.
10.30 am -10.45 am Registration (Theater C, Elinor Ostromgebouw)
10.45 am – 11 am Welcome and introduction (dr. Anneleen Arnout)
11 am – 12.30 pm The history of emotions: three recent projects (plenary)
- dr. Theo Lap (Groningen University)
- dr. Elwin Hofman (KU Leuven/Utrecht University)
- dr. Tine van Osselaer (Antwerp University)
12.30 pm – 1.30 pm Lunch
1.30 pm -2.15 pm Poster session, round 1 (Foyer Erasmusgebouw)
2.15 pm – 3 pm Poster session, round 2 (Foyer Erasmusgebouw)
3pm – 3.30pm Coffee Break
3.30pm – 4 pm Poster Session, round 3 (Foyer Erasmusgebouw)
4.15pm – 5pm Round Table (Theater C, Elinor Ostromgebouw)
- dr. Jeroen Deploige (Ghent University)
- dr. Josephine Hoegaerts (Helsinki University)
- dr. Jan Frans van Dijkhuizen (Leiden University)
- dr. Dorothee Sturkenboom
5 pm – 5.30 pm Concluding remarks by professor Barbara H. Rosenwein (Theater C, Elinor Ostromgebouw)
5.30 pm -6.30 pm drinks
Practical information
The meeting takes place on October 7th 2022 at Radboud University in Nijmegen (in the Elinor Ostrom building and the Erasmus building, both on the Heyendaalse weg). More information about buildings on campus can be found here(verwijst naar een andere website). In order to welcome Professor Rosenwein and researchers who are not (entirely) fluent in Dutch, we have chosen to use English as the default language for the posters and lectures.
This meeting will also serve as the kick-off event for the new Huizinga Research Network about the History of Emotions. This network sets out to facilitate exchange and cooperation between researchers in the field of the history of emotions in the Low Countries, through seminars, workshops, lectures and network meetings.