
Workshop ‘Het verleden informeert de toekomst: hoe kunnen we een volgende gezondheidscrisis voorkomen?’

Cultural Historian’s Toolbox (PhD Core Course 2): Digital Text Analysis – icw Huygens Institute and OSL

Writing Popular History: Narrative, Perspective, and Audience – A Workshop with Dr Caroline Dodds Pennock

Online double Masterclass ‘From Creation to Destruction: Shedding Light on the Lives of Medieval Manuscripts (c.1300 – 1550)’

Conference – Slavery in the Cultural Imagination Voices of Dissent in the Neerlandophone Space, 17th-21st Century

Workshop ‘Knowing and Manipulating Natures: Cultural History, Science and Global Environment in the Anthropocene’

Masterclass ‘Food & the environment: Rethinking the history of consumption’ by Dr. Peter van Dam (UvA)

Cultural Historian’s Toolbox (PhD Core Course 2): Digital Text Analysis – icw Huygens Institute and OSL

PhD-workshop ‘Taking Stock: Gains, Losses and Helpful Coordinates for the Covid19-Context’ by Dr Anna Thomas Tijsseling

Cultural perceptions of safety. Reflecting on modern and pre-modern feelings of safety in literature, philosophy, art and history

Online Masterclass ‘Navigating the Book: book design, paratext, and reading experience in the premodern period (c. 1400-1600)’

Workshop ‘National Identities From Below’ (Maatschappij der Nederlandsche Letterkunde/Huizinga Institute)

Cultural Historian’s Toolbox (PhD Core Course 2): Digital Text Analysis – icw Huygens Institute and OSL
2019-2020 |
Date | Course/event | For | EC |
October | Seminar Premodern Reading Cultures: ‘How to work with Sammelbände | PhD & RMA | 1 |
October | PhD Conference Huissen | PhD & RMA | 1-3 |
October | Masterclass ‘De casus Beverland: uitdagingen van cultuurhistorisch onderzoek naar een veelzijdige persoon’ | PhD & RMA | 1 |
November | Masterclass ‘Using Food in (post)Colonial Research: Possibilities and Methodological Challenges’ | PhD & RMA | 1 |
December | Masterclass Grantley McDonald: ‘Negotiating Orthodoxy: Erasmus and the Yheological Implications of Biblical philology’ | PhD & RMA | 1 |
January-May | CC1 (Sara Polak & Frans Blom) | PhD year 1 | 5 |
February | Workshop ‘Doing History Reflexively’ (Ann Rigney) | PhD & RMA | 1 |
February | Wetenschappelijk recenseren (Floris Cohen) | PhD & RMA | 1 |
March | Masterclass with Alison Landsberg i.c.w. the conference ‘The Stage of War: Academic and Popular Representations of Large-scale conflicts’ | PhD & RMA | 1 |
March | PhD Conference Huissen Postponed because of coronavirus outbreak |
PhD | 1-3 |
May | CC2: Anxiety with Sources (Joep Leerssen, UvA) Cancelled because of coronavirus outbreak |
PhD year 2 | 1 |
May | Workshop Distant Viewing Postponed because of coronavirus outbreak |
PhD & RMA | 1 |
April-May | RMA-course 1: Heritage and Memory Theory (Ihab Saloul, UvA) | RMA | 5 |
April-May | RMA-course 2: Cultures of Reading (Arnoud Visser, UU) | RMA | 5 |
May | Royal Netherlands Institute in Rome and Bibliotheca Hertziana (Matthijs Jonker & Sietske Fransen), ‘Cultures of Science and Art in Rome, 1400-1900’ Postponed because of coronavirus outbreak |
PhD & RMA | 6 |
July | Summer School 2020: ‘Doing Digital History. Critical Approaches to Your Data’ (Norah Karrouche, Maarten van Dijck, EUR) | PhD & RMA | 5 |
2018-2019 |
Date | Course/event | For | EC |
October | PhD Conference Hilversum | PhD | 1-3 |
November | Masterclass Yasmin Haskell (University of Bristol, UK): ‘Erasmus and the Health of Scholars: Physical, Emotional, Spiritual’ (Arnoud Visser, UU) | PhD | 1 |
November | ‘Voices Unheard. Intersections of Race in Transnational and Postcolonial Research’ (Dienke Hondius & Lonneke Geerlings, VU) | PhD & RMA | 1 |
November | Workshop ‘Cultural Associations in the Long 19th Century: Agents of Transnational (Ex)change’ (Krisztina Lajosi, UvA) | PhD & RMA | 1 |
December | Masterclass Professor Toyin Falola (University of Texas). ‘The Academy and the Idea of Decolonisation’ (Marleen Reichgelt, RU & Larissa Schulte Nordholt, UL) | PhD & RMA | 1 |
January-May | CC1 (Helmer Helmers, UvA & Sara Polak, UL)) | PhD year 1 | 5 |
January-February | Seminar in Oral History (Selma Leydesdorff, UvA) | PhD & RMA | 3 |
March | Wetenschappelijk recenseren (Ieme van der Poel, UvA) | PhD & RMA | 1 |
March | Masterclass Benjamin Schmidt (University of Washington, Seattle) ‘Violent Images, Violence Against Images: Visual Culture of Violence in the Early Modern Culture’(Inger Leemans & Michel van Duijnen) |
PhD & RMA | 1 |
April-May | RMA-course 2: Imagining the Self and the Other (Yolanda Rodríguez Pérez, UvA) | RMA | 5 |
May | RMA-course 1: Heritage & Memory Theory Seminar (Rob van der Laarse & Ihab Saloul, UvA) | RMA | 5 |
May | CC2: Anxiety with Sources (Joep Leerssen, UvA) |
PhD year 2 | 1 |
May | ‘Steden lezen’ Royal Netherlands Institute in Rome (Jan Hein Furnée, RU) | PhD & RMA | 6 |
July | Summer School Global Intellectual History (Matthijs Lok, UvA & Annelien de Dijn, UU) | PhD & RMA | 5 |