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Sustainability in Research Practices Part I: Photography for Research


In 2021-2022, the Huizinga Instituut Working Group ‘Visual and Material Culture’ organises a series of workshops, that can be followed separately or together for 2 ECTS.



Research practices in cultural history have changed profoundly over the past decades, especially for researchers focusing on material and visual culture. The internet, digital databases, catalogues, and publications, combined with a wide array of hard- and software allow researchers to research, collect, exchange, and analyse enormous volumes of high-quality, heterogenous data. This offers wonderful new opportunities but also poses a threat, especially for researchers at the start of their career. Which hard- and software should you choose to collect and organize your research data, both digital and analogue/material? What are the (developing) standards in the field? We offer two one-day workshops for students, researchers, and GLAM professionals who want to critically think about or rethink their own archiving practices.

Workshop 1 (16 March – Utrecht)

One-day workshop Photography for Research. Introduction to the possibilities and limitations of various cameras and software, photography for (digital) publication, IIIF, basic training in museum, archival, and performative research photography.

Workshop 2 (13 April – Amsterdam)

One-day workshop Sustainable Research Archiving. The first part of the workshop focuses on archiving non-digital materials gathered and created in performative research practices, such as reconstructions, replications, and reenactments. The second half of the workshop is devoted to secure and sustainable storage of digital research data, and discusses the possibilities and limitations of various hard- and software, plus cloud storage solutions.

Huizinga students can be awarded max. 2 EC (one per workshop) for prepared participation.

Registration for this workshop will open in September.

Register (0/15 spaces left)

This course is fully booked. For a spot on the waiting list, contact [email protected]