The two-day Huizinga PhD conference takes place on 8 and 9 April 2024 at Utrecht University’s Academiegebouw (joining online is possible as well). Eight PhD candidates will present part of their research project. Their talks are discussed by co-referents (who have been invited by the candidates themselves) and the audience, leading to new insights and fruitful discussions. Furthermore, we have two exciting workshops planned.
PhD candidates and RMA students are more than welcome to join the conference. Attending the conference offers a great opportunity to find out more about the current research of our PhDs and to (re)connect with the Huizinga community. RMA students have the possibility to obtain 1 EC by attending both days and writing a short report on the conference. Instructions can be downloaded here.
You may register for one or both days via the form below or via [email protected]. We look forward to seeing many of you there!
Programme Huizinga PhD Conference
Monday 8 April 2024
Academiegebouw Utrecht University, Belle van Zuylenzaal & online (for link: [email protected])
Chair: Arnoud Visser
10:15 Welcome and introduction
10:30 Maroesjka Verhagen (University of Amsterdam)
Manoeuvring the Seasons: Amsterdam’s Fruit Provision from Its Hinterlands (c. 1600-1800)
Referent: Dr Marieke Hendriksen (KNAW)
11:30 Miente Pietersma (University of Groningen)
Practicing what is preached, how to read sixteenth-century books on martial arts
Referent: Dr Thijs Hagendijk (Utrecht University)
12:30 Workshop
Navigating Academia: Practical Insights into Academic Networking
Organised by the PhD/RMA Council
Building a network is often considered a crucial aspect of establishing a successful career in academia. On the first day of the PhD Conference, the Huizinga RMA/PhD Council is organizing a workshop which aims to provide practical advice on the significance of networking and offers participants a firsthand opportunity to engage in networking activities.
The first part of the workshop consists of a panel discussion in which PhD candidates will share brief accounts of their experiences in securing a PhD position. They will also reflect on the role that networking played both before and during their careers as PhD researchers, after which participants will be given the opportunity to ask questions and share their own experiences.
Following the panel discussion, the workshop facilitates interactions in smaller groups, pairing RMA students with PhD candidates. This setting allows participants to delve deeper into their individual trajectories, exchange ideas and discuss challenges they encounter. Insights on networking can then be immediately applied and further advanced during the Huizinga PhD conference
13.15 Lunch
14.00 Anne Por (Leiden University)
Promising futures: study choice in 18th- and 19th-century student advice literature of the German lands.
Referent: Dr Frank Grunert (IZEA Uni Halle)
15:00 Carine Alders (University of Amsterdam)
Songs of silence: The effects of the Second World War on the history of composing in the Netherlands
Referent: Dr Pauline Micheels
16:00 Coffee and tea
16:15 Zoë Van Cauwenberg (KU Leuven)
Experiential Modes of History in the Metrical Romance
Referent: Dr Johanna Hoorenman (Utrecht University)
17:15 Drinks (Belle van Zuylenzaal)
18:00 Dinner for speakers and referents at The Huiskamer
Tuesday 9 April 2024
Academiegebouw Utrecht University, Belle van Zuylenzaal & online (for link: [email protected])
Chair: Frank van Doorn
10.15 Welcome
10:30 Clodagh Murphy
Stylistic Fingerprints and Scribal Influence in the Letters of Queen Elizabeth I
Referent: Prof. Karina van Dalen-Oskam (University of Amsterdam)
11:30 Fauve Vandenberghe
An Affective History of Satire: Humours, Passions, Sentiments and the Gendering of Early Modern and Eighteenth-Century Satiric Theory
Referent: Dr Lieke Stelling (Utrecht University)
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Workshop
Difficult questions in academic settings: how to answer them with confidence and flair
Caro Struijke (Radboud in’to Languages)
ReMa students and PhD candidates often find themselves in situations in which they need to respond to difficult questions in the spur of the moment, such as lectures, research meetings, conferences, and the PhD defence. This workshop prepares PhD candidates to confidently address questions that they have no answer to, that consist of multiple questions, that are hostile, or are otherwise difficult.
During this interactive workshop, you will receive tips on how to effectively and politely deal with questions and stay in control. There will be time to practice this and receive feedback from the teacher and/or peers.
14:30 Vincent Bijman (Maastricht University)
From a ‘bad ratter’ to a threat to valuable wildlife. The history of the problematization of the small Indian mongoose (Urva auropunctata) as an invasive animal, 1872-1960
Referent: Prof. Bert Theunissen (Utrecht University)
15:30 Closing remarks & drinks (Belle van Zuylenzaal)
Register (15/40 spaces left)
Bookings are closed for this course.