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New: Huizinga Writing Groups

New: Huizinga Writing Groups

Dear PhDs and RMAs of the Huizinga Institute, We are pleased to announce that the PhD/ReMa Council is organising HUIZINGA WRITING GROUPS. The first online session will be on Tuesday the 29th of October from nine to noon. We hope it will be an opportunity for members...
Looking back: Spring School 2024

Looking back: Spring School 2024

Medieval and Early Modern Studies Spring School 2024: Landscape History & Ecology (27-31 May, Ghent) By: Estel van den Berg DAY 1: On the 27th of May we gathered at the STAM museum in Ghent for the exhibition ‘Ghent’s Lands’, on the rich history of the city of...
Course registration new RMA students

Course registration new RMA students

If you are RMA students that starts in 2024-2025, but you are not yet registered with a National Research School by your local graduate school, you can already enroll in our courses and activities. Please enroll via the form on the specific course page(s). In the...
In memoriam Willem Frijhoff (1942-2024)

In memoriam Willem Frijhoff (1942-2024)

Op 5 april overleed de bekende historicus Willem Frijhoff op 81-jarige leeftijd. Zijn invloed op de beoefening van de cultuurgeschiedenis in Nederland was groot en zijn betrokkenheid bij het Huizinga Instituut speelde daarbij een belangrijke rol. Frijhoff was...