The Huizinga Institute – Research School for Cultural History’s curriculum is designed for graduate students in cultural history. It aims to provide RMA students and PhD candidates with a coherent programme of courses in cultural history, with an emphasis on interdisciplinarity, method, and theory. Education at the School is divided into three strands:
- Thematic courses on interdisciplinary subjects for RMA students. With these modules, rotating every year, students can pursue their thematic interests or broaden their expertise. PhDs are welcome to participate when places are available. We offer three thematic courses of 5 EC each year.
- Summer schools, International courses, Masterclasses and Workshops (RMA students and PhDs). These intensive courses and activities are often (co-)organised by graduate students. They allow them to delve into a subject with renowned experts in inspiring surroundings. We organise one summer school (5 EC), one international course (5 EC) and a minimum of 5 other activities (1-2 EC each) yearly.
- Core Courses in Cultural History (CC 2-3) for PhD candidates. Focusing on methods, theories and skills particular to the cultural historian, this programme aims to allow students to develop into all-round professional cultural historians. RMA students are invited to participate.
Furthermore, PhD candidates are expected, and RMA students encouraged, to participate in at least one of the Institute’s research networks. Research networks are ‘vertical’ groups, consisting of senior members and graduate students with shared research interests in all phases of their studies. The research networks, which are organised by students themselves, serve as reading groups, platforms for discussion and feedback, and breeding grounds for student-organised activities such as lectures and masterclasses.
Course Registration Policy
Members from other research schools are welcome to register for our courses and activities. Huizinga Institute members will however have first access until a set priority date, which is communicated in the course announcement. Graduate students from other research schools will be placed on a waiting list, in order of registration. After the priority date, free places will be offered to the students on the waiting list.
Members of the Huizinga Institute that register after the priority date will be added to the existing waiting list in order of registration. An exception is made for Huizinga RMA members who start their research master in February, since they missed the previous first access moment. They will be placed on top of the waiting list.
Are travel costs obstructing your participation in one of our courses? Please contact the Huizinga office, so we can look for a solution.
On each course/event page, we provide information on the accessibility. Does accessibility cause a problem, or do you need additional information? Please don’t hesitate to contact the office: [email protected].
Our events are typically offered fully live. Hybrid options are not standard. However, in case of medical reasons, we will try and find a hybrid or online solution. Contact [email protected] to discuss the possibilities.
After successfully participating in a course or activity organised by the Huizinga Institute (to be assessed by the course coordinator), the Huizinga Institute’s office will issue a certificate for the advertised amount of EC. You are responsible for the registration of the credits by submitting the certificate to your local graduate school or Examination Board.